5 Trending Online Jobs in 2018

As workplaces become smaller due to soaring real estate prices worldwide, the focus has now shifted to online jobs and remote workplaces. Long commutes are being replaced by telecommute jobs. As the world moves to gap the digital divide, working online has become a trend. Online jobs offer flexibility to work from office or home or for that matter, any other location.

The surge in e-commerce, growing use of Artificial Intelligence and other innovative technologies will drive the online employment market. Therefore, it is vital to know what types of jobs are trending in 2018, in employment markets around the globe.

Why Online Jobs?

Online jobs are playing a key role in every economy worldwide. This is because working online is possible round the clock. This translates into services that are available round the clock and without the hindrance of a geographic location. Online jobs are attracting better talent for businesses while facilitating lower staff attrition.

Additionally, online jobs also provide companies to hire freelancers, telecommuters, and crowd-sourced project workers. It enables bringing a large pool of skills together for the progress of a company.

Trending Online Jobs in 2018

Here I am not going to explain you about the regular online jobs where you don’t need any technical knowledge or qualifications. You need to get 3-6 months training and some experience before you make a full-time online career in this.

1.     E-commerce Specialist

Worldwide, e-commerce is projected to cross the US$4.88 trillion mark in 2021. Hence, there is a huge demand for e-commerce specialists. The term e-commerce specialist is rather generalized. It can include functions that include data monitoring and analysis, online campaign managers, content writers and analysts, online advertising experts and financial experts, among others.

Further, e-commerce is not limited merely to buying or selling stuff online. Modern trends include creating online paid surveys, Cost per Click (CPC) advertisement campaigns, monitoring traffic bounce rates among others. These elements are vital for any e-commerce company to prosper and flourish. E-commerce specialist is a trending job in 2019 and will remain for several more years.

2.     Digital Marketing Specialists

With online buying becoming rampant globally, companies small and large want to grab a slice of the market pie. Hence, they are hiring digital marketing experts that can promote their products and services online. Nowadays, setting up a good website is fairly inexpensive. Businesses are aware that sans a significant online presence, their brand will go unnoticed.

Digital marketing experts are hired by Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) manufacturers, banks and Non-Banking Financial Companies (NBFCs), educational institutes, entertainment providers, hospitality, and tourism industry and practically every sector that needs to attract customers to buy online. Digital Marketing Experts help promote brands by using various online tools.

3.     Branding & Social Media Specialists

Little known as well as major brands are looking for branding and social media specialists at various rungs of echelon- from managers to freelancers. It is imperative for every business to popularize their brand or lose the intense competition that occurs online. A major part of creating brand awareness through social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest. Others also look at promoting brands through LinkedIn profiles.

Branding and Social Media Specialists covers a broad definition of jobs. It includes social media managers and assistants, copywriters and content writers as well as those well versed in Search Engine Optimization and other functions. Branding and Social Media Specialists are trending online jobs in 2018.

4.     Online Fraud Detection Specialists

As the bulk of financial transactions move to Internet-based systems, banks and NBFCs are countering several cases of fraudulent transactions. Since investors and borrowers do not come face-to-face with bank and NBFC officers directly, it often becomes difficult to sift genuine customers from bogus ones. Additionally, there are also lots of fraudulent transactions carried online by criminals who hack personal computers, laptops or steal mobile phones containing bank and credit card details.

Online fraud detection has become very necessary for banks and NBFCs. Other than frauds, they also have to detect cases where a customer has inadvertently provided wrong information or incomplete details. Online fraud detection managers and executives are tasked with ensuring that all transactions are above board and correct detail of every customer is maintained.

5.     Artificial Intelligence Specialists

Artificial Intelligence or AI will partly replace human intelligence. Understandably, AI cannot perform tasks that require human intelligence. However, it is very useful for various functions such as providing information about a product or service, customer engagement, complaints management and maintaining records. Since AI is yet a developing technology, there is a huge demand for experts in this field.

In several countries, AI is serving important functions in tracking online orders and shipments, detecting anomalies in financial transactions, alerting users of any internal and external threats such as malware and virus attacks, employee attendance and performance, among others. AI job pays extremely lucrative salaries. It ranks among the topmost trending online jobs in 2018.

More about Online Jobs 2018

There are several other trending online jobs that are expected to peak in 2018. These include online graphic designer, video editor, bi-lingual translators and content writer. Also, web page designing, app and software development and cyber-security are fields to watch for in 2018. They are showing an upward surge in the number of vacancies.

Also in 2018, a very lucrative online job is that of Blockchain Specialist. This is because of growing interest in Bitcoin and other crypto-currencies. Businesses are also eying use of the Blockchain for other purposes such as secured transaction and seamless data flow. However, Blockchain itself is a growing and esoteric technology that requires extremely specialized skills. For those interested, working on Blockchain related jobs can be very profitable.

In Conclusion

Data and statistics from various sources around the world indicate that from 2018 onwards, employers of all types and employees will focus more on online jobs. This is primarily triggered by widespread proliferation of the Internet and easy availability of cheaper computers and smart-phones. Consumers of all ages nowadays access the Internet through smart-phones and tabs. Hence, businesses are required to respond accordingly. Excellent examples of trending online jobs in 2018 can also be found on any reputed recruitment portal. These portals also provide a fair idea of median salaries available in the above sectors.

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